Handwritten Lyrics

On this page are some example of song lyrics written by Stevie at various times in his career

Honey Bee

Handwritten chord sequence and lyrics to "Honey Bee". This is an early version of the song, as the final version on "Couldn't Stand the Weather " is different.

Honey Bee Handwitten Lyrics

Love Struck Baby

Early version of this song from 1978

Love Struck Baby Handwritten Lyrics

Couldn't Stand the Weather

Here are 2 early versions of the lyrics to CSTW from Stevie's second studio album, recorded in January 1984. In the second picture Stevie has also written the chord notations on the left hand side. After initially writing these, Stevie made adjustments to the order, indicated by the numbers to the left of the lines.

Couldn't Stand the Weather Handwritten Lyrics
Couldn't Stand the Weather Handwritten Lyrics

Ain't Gone 'N' Give Up On Love

Two versions of Stevie's handwritten lyrics to the song that later appeared on the album "Soul to Soul".

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Ain't Gone 'N' Give Up On Love

Pride and Joy

The final handwritten lyrics for "Pride and Joy", from the "Texas Flood" album.

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Pride and Joy

Life Without You

Handwritten lyrics to "Life Without You" from 1985.

Life Without You Handwritten Lyrics

Mustang to Dallas

This was an unpublished song, written by Stevie in 1983. It tells the story of a band arriving in Dallas to get a record deal.

Mustang to Dallas Handwritten Lyrics

The House is Rockin'

Early version of the lyrics to "The House is Rockin'". Note the order of the lines in verse 1, which have been arrowed to be changed round, which they were in the final version.

Stevie Ray Vaughan - The House is Rockin' Handwritten Lyrics

Untitled #1

This was an untitled and unpublished song written by Stevie around 1976, when he was playing with Paul Ray and the Cobras.

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Untitled Song

Untitled #2

3 versions of another untitled and unpublished song written by Stevie.

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Untitled Song
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Untitled Song
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Untitled Song

Untitled #3

Another untitled and unpublished song written by Stevie.

Stevie Ray Vaughan Untitled Song

Untitled #4

Another untitled and unpublished song written by Stevie.

Stevie Ray Vaughan Untitled Song

Untitled #5

Below is a set of lyrics that Stevie wrote on a napkin. It is not known where or when these were written.

Stevie Ray Vaughan Handwritten Lyrics on Napkin
Stevie Ray Vaughan Handwritten Lyrics on Napkin
Stevie Ray Vaughan Handwritten Lyrics on Napkin

Wall of Denial

This is an early version of some of the lyrics to "Wall of Denial" from the "In Step" album. The lyrics on the left hand page are almost the same as the released version, with the exception of some of the pronowns. The lyrics on the right did not make it to the publisged version of the song.

Wall of Denial Handwritten Lyrics

Long Way From Home

Three work in progress versions of the song Long Way from Home, from the album "Family Style". On the second image there are some lyrics in Stevie's girlfriend Janna's handwriting.

Long Way From Home Handwritten Lyrics
Long Way From Home Handwritten Lyrics

Telephone Song

Early version of what became "Telephone Song" from the "Family Style" album. The top image was a draft of what later became the 3rd verse of the song. Note the working title of "Truest Tone Phone" at the top of the image on the left. The published version of the song's third verse differs from Stevie's notes below, but many of the lines made it to the final song. The 2nd image shows a different section of the song and much of this was kept for the final version.

Telephone Song Handwritten Lyrics
Telephone Song Handwritten Lyrics

You're Gonna Miss Me

An early song written by Stevie in May 1972. A version of this song appeared on the "Unreleased First Album" bootleg. Another version later appeared on the "Soul to Soul Sessions" bootleg.

You're Gonna Miss Me Handwritten Lyrics

Just Thinkin' Of You

An undated song which was unreleased.

Just Thinking of You Handwritten Lyrics


Some notes Stevie wrote on the song D/FW

D/FW Handwritten Notes


The image below, which is from around 1978 appears to show early versions of She's So Fine and Honey Bee.

Stevie Ray Vaughan Handwritten Lyrics

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